Wolves are legendary because of their spine-tingling howl, which they use to communicate. A lone wolf howls to attract the attention of his pack, while communal howls may send territorial messages from one pack to another. Some howls are confrontational. Much like barking domestic dogs, wolves may simply begin howling because a nearby wolf has already begun. Wolfpacks are established according to a strict hierarchy, with a dominant male at the top and his mate not far behind. Usually this male and female are the only animals of the pack to breed. All of a pack's adults help to care for young pups by bringing them food and watching them while others hunt.
Wolves live in family groups called packs. A pack is usually made up of a male parent, a female parent, their pups and a few other adult wolves who are the older brothers and sisters. The pack works together to hunt for food and to take care of the pups. The wolf is a large member of the canine family. It is not known for sure just when the divergence occurred that split the ancestors of our domestic dog, C. familiaris, from the grey wolf, C. lupis, but it us thought to have occurred about four million years ago. Wolves kill only to eat - to survive. Because wolves usually hunt for large animals,
(although wolves are opportunistic and will eat smaller prey) they work together to catch their prey. Wolves will eat a healthy, strong animal if they can catch it. (Wolves need an average of three to ten pounds of meat each day).
In a normal den, the birthing chamber lies at the end of a tunnel that may be up to 15 feet long in soft soil. The den is often slightly elevated above the rest of the tunnel, and no den-lining material is used.
The birthing chamber is sually about three feet in diameter and about two feet high. Wolves may change dens though the year, moving thier pups a mile or more.This may occur because of parasitic infestation of the den or because of a disturbance of the den by humans or other animals. The wolf is described as a predatory, carnivorous pack mammal of the family Canidae. A member of the family of animals that includes dogs, foxes, and coyotes. Highly intelligent animals with upright ears, sharp, pointed muzzles and sharp eyes. Wolves have ruffs of long hair framing the sides of their faces similar to sideburns.
very nice and exciting lore:$